
General Information

Full Name Vishwa
Languages English, Tamil, French


  • 2020 - 2025
    Dual Degree in Biological Engineering (B.Tech + M.Tech)
    ndian Institute of Technology Madras
  • 2019
    Class XII (CBSE)
    Achariya Bala Siksha Mandir, Puducherry
  • 2017
    Class X (CBSE)
    Achariya Bala Siksha Mandir, Puducherry


  • May 2022 - Sep 2022
    Student Developer | TensorFlow
    Google Summer of Code
    • Designed a 3D Unity Terrain Game and integrated a microcontroller running a time-series data based gesture recognition TinyML model to recognize gestures and rotations, with the game.
    • Trained and optimized a CNN-based TinyML model to work on an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with OV7670 camera module and ST7735 TFT LCD module to recognise numbers.
    • Documented the projects and TinyML how-to guides for hobbyists in a total of 13 blogs which received a total of 10000+ unique views and 50+ likes as of September 2022.
  • Jun 2021 - Apr 2022
    Coordinator - Publicity Team
    Shaastra, IIT Madras
    • Designed an exhaustive booklet for SHAASTRA, annual technical festival of IIT Madras 2022
    • Coordinated and conducted SHAASTRA SPARK and SHAASTRA SAMPARK to publicize SHAASTRA with 9000+ turnout along with other coordinators
    • Managed a team of 20 Campus Ambassadors for a period of 2 months to publicize SHAASTRA
  • Jan 2022 - Apr 2022
    Contigent Member - Inter IIT Tech Meet
    Inter IIT Tech Meet 10.0
    • Implemented a Decision Tree Classifier model to map symptoms to possible diseases, to be integrated into a chatbot to detect symptoms and map the right doctors to patients.
  • Jan 2023
    Workshop Trainer - Shaastra 2023
    Shaastra, IIT Madras
    • Conducted a 6 hour workshop titled “Become a 10x Developer” covering linux programming and bash scripting concepts with 30+ registrations
  • Jan 2022
    Workshop Trainer - Shaastra 2022
    Shaastra, IIT Madras
    • Conducted a 6 hour workshop titled “Hacking with Microcontrollers” covering networking concepts, vulnerabilities with 40+ registrations
  • May 2021 - May 2022
    Coordinator - Electronics Club
    Electronics Club, CFI, IIT Madras
    • Successfully planned and conducted a 4-week session on IoT, Cloud computing, ML, Micropython, PCB design and Digital design with 350+ turnout; team of 11 other coordinators
    • Successfully conducted a session on Intro to PCB designing with a turnout of 60+ participants
  • May 2021 - May 2022
    Project Member - Hardware Accelerator for Deep Learning
    Electronics Club, CFI, IIT Madras
    • Audited the Deep Learning for Computer Vision course by the University of Michigan.
    • Coded forward propagation of Mobile-Net architecture from scratch with tensors and loops
    • Designed and tested a hexadecimal counter and scroll text functionality on a FPGA simulator
    • Implemented non-synthesizable scalable versions of a Convolutional Neural Networks and Fully Connected Layer neural networks in verilog and coded up tests to benchmark for various inputs
  • May 2021 - May 2022
    Project Member - Smartwatch
    Electronics Club, CFI, IIT Madras
    • Built a prototype to interface with pressure (BMP280) , inertial measurement unit (MPU6050), heart-rate (MAX30102), real-time clock (DS3231), TFT LCD sensors over I2C and SPI protocols, with WiFi, Bluetooth LE and Over-The-Air update functionalities
    • Researched on displays, tactile feedback, battery and energy consumption reduction solutions

Open Source Projects

Personal Projects

  • Recreated the Snake game in an LED dot matrix to be played using a Playstation controller
  • Constructed a RC car using ESP8266 and Arduino UNO that can be controlled via internet
  • Designed a web scraper using BeautifulSoup to scrape text data from a dynamic website, processed it locally to find words from a 20 x 20 puzzle to solve an life skills assignment
  • Developed a 2D paddle Android game using procedural map generation and scripting in Unity
  • Built an Arcade game on the ESP32 development board using OLED display and IMU sensors
  • Engineered a original game on Arduino UNO using a display, LED dot matrix and a buzzer